Tommy Pham Explains Heated Exchange at Home Plate With William Contreras

Tommy Pham Explains Heated Exchange at Home Plate With William Contreras

Tensions flared between Chicago White Sox outfielder Tommy Pham and Milwaukee Brewers catcher William Contreras during Sunday’s matinee after Pham was thrown out at home in the bottom of the eighth inning on a play that wasn’t particularly close.

There was a moderate collision between Pham and Contreras at home plate, and the Brewers catcher appeared to bark some superlatives at the veteran outfielder after slapping the tag on him to end the inning.

Whatever Contreras said did not sit well with Pham, who looked back toward Milwaukee’s dugout and eventually needed to be restrained by his teammates as he shouted in the direction of Contreras.

Ultimately, not much came of the situation, though Pham didn’t hold back when asked about the moment by reporters after the 6–3 defeat.

“One-run ball game, close play at the plate—actually it wasn’t even f–ing close… Third base coach sends you, you gotta go. I’m nailed out at home by a mile, I’m going to the dugout and I hear the tough guy with all the ‘hoorah’ sh–. I’ll never start anything but I’ll be prepared to finish it.

“There’s a reason why I do all kinds of fighting in the offseason. Because I’m prepared to f– somebody up,” Pham said.

Pham endured a frustrating day at the plate, going 0-for-3 with three strikeouts and a walk. The White Sox fell to 15–45 following Sunday’s loss, the worst record in MLB.

Jimm Sallivan