David Beckham Waits 12 Hours to Pay Respects to Queen Elizabeth

David Beckham Waits 12 Hours to Pay Respects to Queen Elizabeth

As many Brits stood in line to pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth on Friday, soccer star David Beckham was part of the crowd. The British sports icon wanted to join the public in honoring the Queen, so much so that he stood in line for 12 hours with everyone else.

“We all want to be here together. We all want to experience something where we celebrate the amazing life of our queen,” Beckham said. “I think something like this today here together is meant to be shared together.”

The legendary midfielder was relatively dressed up compared to many mourners.

Beckham is arguably the most recognizable athlete in the United Kingdom, and his willingness to stand in line for half of a day shows how much he wanted to honor Queen Elizabeth.

Members of the Beckham family are no strangers to the royal family, as they have attended both royal weddings since 2011.

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