New Map and New Duelist Mechanics: VALORANT Patch 8.11
VALORANT Patch 8.11 is finally here and brings a massive list of updates. Players can expect a new map, overall map pool changes, intense Duelist changes and plenty of game mode alterations and quality-of-life fixes. After major remodeling, Neon, Iso, Reyna, Raze and Clove's kits will be unrecognizable. In addition, the new map Abyss will receive a unique 5-v-5 game mode to familiarize players before arriving in Patch 9.0. Here's everything about Patch 8.11 and how it affects your favorite VALORANT Duelists.

Breeze and Split will exit the VALORANT map pool in patch 8.11. Haven and Abyss will replace them. Haven is a classic VALORANT map with three sites and long-range angles on A and C. Abyss is a brand-new VALORANT map. It is the first map in the game with no boundaries and features several dangerous parkour spots. Haven will immediately appear in VALORANT's competitive map pool, but Abyss will have a 5-v-5 game mode for players to become familiar with before its final introduction in upcoming Patch 9.0.
Maps leaving VALORANT in 8.11:
Maps arriving in VALORANT Patch 8.11:
Final Patch 8.11 Competitive and Premier Map Pool: ASCENT, BIND, ICEBOX, LOTUS, SUNSET, and HAVEN.
Console Beta Map Pool: ABYSS, ASCENT, BIND, and HAVEN.
New Abyss Game Mode

Patch 8.11 aims to level the playing field between duelists so all can perform with even impact. Riot Games states in its patch notes that "this update is aimed to allow other Duelists to compete with Agents like Jett and Raze that excel at taking space for their team through sheer speed and mobility." The update provides major buffs to Iso and Neon, enhancing their space-taking abilities. Meanwhile, Reyna receives a balancing adjustment which decreases her Devour healing but provides overall improvements to her abilities. Finally, Raze receives a severe nerf impacting her satchel lineups and movement kit.
Clove is also receiving a severe nerf. After the agent's recent introduction, they have been an extremely common pick in competitive lobbies. Clove's performance has simple been too strong, so Riot Games is adjusting abilities so other controllers also have a chance to shine.
Double Tap (E)
Fast Lane (C)
High Gear (E)
Relay Bolt (Q)
Devour (Q)
Dismiss (E)
Empress (X)
Blast Pack (Q)
Pick-Me-Up (C)
Not Dead Yet (X)

VALORANT Patch 8.11's main impact is its map addition and duelist changes, but Riot Games also prepared plenty of quality-of-life updates and refreshers for VALORANT's modes and UI. As VALORANT Console's limited beta release approaches (players can register here), Patch 8.11 provides plenty of information about VALORANT Console updates and mechanics.
Esports Features
Esports Hub
Gameplay System Updates
Radio Command Wheels
Player Behavior
Social Systems Update
Premier Updates
Store Updates
Bug Fixes
Patch 8.11 is one of VALORANT's biggest updates yet. While the sheer number of changes is intimidating, the changes will bring a fresh experience for all players, especially Duelist mains! Enjoy the new Abyss mode and stay tuned for more VALORANT updates!