Who Is Artemis in Apex Legends?

Who Is Artemis in Apex Legends?

A new legend has been leaked ahead of Apex Legends Season 23.

Prominent Apex Legends data miners and leakers have shared that they believe the next legend has the code name Artemis, believed to be a call back to a Greek goddess of wild animals. Here is what we know so far about the mysterious legend.

Not much is known about Artemis, who hasn't been officially shared by Respawn just yet. Leakers have found a file called "ptpov_artemis_targeting" which has left many believing that she is going to be a recon style legend that has abilities focused on controlling animals. Others believe her abilities will focus on having a type of bow and arrow, since the Greek goddess of the same name sports this as her weapon.

A large rumor is that Artemis is Vantage's mother. She is known in the game's lore, named Xenia Contreras or Prisoner T-0323. She was wrongfully imprisoned for treason during the Outlands Civil War while pregant with Vantage, or Xiomara "Mara" Contreras. Xenia was sentenced to life in prison on a detention ship that eventually crashed on the surface of Pagos. This is where she raised her daughter.

A lot of Apex Lgends fans have been curious about Xenia and her badass story. Many have guessed she'd be a legend in a previous season but it never happened. Is Season 23 finally her time to get revenge?

Vantage mother Apex LegendsVantage mother Apex Legends

Season 22 is coming in August. There is no date for Season 23 yet but it will be in the fall of 2024. Every Apex Legends season lasts for three months so maybe around November.

That will give leakers a while to find more information about Artemis ahead of Season 23's release.

Nintendo Insider Reveals New Splatoon Game

Nintendo Insider Reveals New Splatoon Game

A trusted Nintendo leaker has revealed that a new Splatoon game could be coming.

Leaker Midori revealed on X that Nintendo has a lot of exciting titles in the works. This includes a new Legend of Zelda game and now a Splatoon game, which is going by the codename "Spiral." Unfortunately, not much else has been shared about the potential new Splatoon game.

The response has been mixed. Some Nintendo fans were excited by the possibility of a new Splatoon title, applauding and thanking Midori for sharing the leak. Others were more skeptical, however, claiming that Spiral was probably just DLC.

Splatoon 3 leakSplatoon 3 leak

A new Splatoon game would make a lot of sense, though. Nintendo has confirmed the arrival of a new Nintendo console, the predecessor to the Switch. Insiders believe that the new Nintendo Switch will be coming in around March 2025. If this is the case, it wouldn't be surprising if big titles like Splatoon 4, Legend of Zelda, and even Super Smash Bros. were announced. What better way to build up hype for the new console?

Splatoon 3 is still a huge game for Nintendo. The entire series has become a semi-popular esport as well as a fun competitive game for all gamers. Version 8.0.0 was the most recent update, coming out last week, meaning there's still a desire for new content and balance changes.