How Baseball’s Century-Long Courting of London Once Captured the King’s Attention

How Baseball’s Century-Long Courting of London Once Captured the King’s Attention

Sitting in an ornate royal box behind home plate at Stamford Bridge Grounds in Chelsea, watching the first baseball game of his life, the King of England heard umpire Bill Klem call a strike.

Turning to Walter Hines Page, the United States ambassador to Great Britain, King George V remarked, “I thought that one was pretty low.”

King George caught on quickly. The rest of England did not.

The date was Feb. 26, 1914. About five months later, on Aug. 4, King George would write in his diary, “I held council at 10:45 to declare war with Germany. It is a terrible catastrophe but it is not our fault … Please God it may soon be over.”

This glorious day, however, was dedicated to the pomp and circumstance of the most star-studded and spectacular baseball game ever played on English soil. It was, by one eyewitness account, “the greatest event that America has ever shown England.”

Among the luminaries on hand that day were John McGraw (who would pen a Page 1 account of the game for the New York Times), Tris Speaker, Jim Thorpe, Charles Comiskey, Damon Runyon, the Duchess of Marlboro, the Duke of Devonshire, the Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Desborough, the Earl of Lonsdale, Rear-Admiral Sir Colin Keppel, Sir Frederick Ponsonby and Lord Granville. The star of stars was King George, then 48 years old, four years into his reign and soon to be the grandfather of the future Queen Elizabeth II.

The game culminated the longest and strangest MLB exhibition tour ever pulled off: 50 games over 138 days in which players from the New York Giants and Chicago White Sox circumnavigated the globe—from the United States to Japan to Hong Kong to Manila to Australia to Sri Lanka to Egypt to Italy to France and, finally, to England and Stamford Bridge, the famed venue that opened in 1877 and since 1905 has served as home to Chelsea Football Club. The traveling party first gathered in Cincinnati on Oct. 13, 1913, and returned March 6, 1914, in a snowstorm to New York harbor aboard the RMS Lusitania, the luxury liner that 14 months later would be sunk by torpedoes from the German submarine U-20.

The purpose of the trip was to introduce the American pastime to the world. The day before the game at Stamford Bridge, Harry Gordon Selfridge, the American proprietor of his famed eponymous department store, threw a reception at the Hotel Savoy for the touring Americans. White Sox manager Jimmy Callahan addressed the crowd there, explaining that the exhibition in England was arranged not to have baseball supplant cricket but simply to show off the sport.

“If you like the game, try it,” Callahan said.

One hundred and 10 years later, MLB is still trying to gain a foothold in England, where there is one dedicated baseball field. MLB will stage the third installment of its London Series this weekend, with the New York Mets and Philadelphia Phillies playing at London Stadium Saturday and Sunday. The New York Yankees took two games from the Boston Red Sox in 2019 and the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals split two games in 2023. The four games combined for 73 runs.

King Charles III is not expected to attend, though he could decide at the last minute to pop in and create international buzz, the way King George V did in 1914, providing the biggest gate receipts for the American ballplayers on their around-the-world-in-138-days tour.

Comiskey, the White Sox owner, and McGraw, the Giants manager, organized what was then the third international baseball tour and the first in a quarter of a century, following trips to England in 1874 and to seven countries, including England, in 1888. The organizers hoped to break even. Thanks largely to King George, they wound up netting almost $100,000, or about $3.1 million in today’s dollars.

Traveling by special trains, the troubadours first played 31 games in 33 days in the United States, not including rainouts in Abilene, Sacramento and Seattle. On Nov. 19 they left Seattle for Japan on a steamship. So rough were the seas they did not arrive in Yokohama until Dec. 6, four days late.

Everywhere they went the players encountered enthusiastic crowds, though the fervor in Japan impressed them the most. “The Japanese surprised us with their knowledge of inside baseball,” Callahan said. “No matter where we went in Japan the crowds followed us after the games were over. American fans have nothing on the Japanese as rooters.”

On Feb. 1, the Giants and White Sox played a game in the shadow of the pyramids in Cairo. It ended in a tie, only the second such tie in the series. Games in Rome and Paris were rained out. By the time they reached London, the White Sox led the series 23–20 with two ties. (In four other games, the teams combined rosters to play against local teams, winning all four.)

The traveling party arrived in London from Nice on Feb. 24. A few players, including Tip O’Neill and Jim Mullen, left London for Ireland to fetch Callahan, who had left the tour in Paris for the Emerald Isle and was lost in the wilds of Kilkenny.

That night the ballplayers in London attended an evening show in their honor at the Prince of Wales Theatre. The next morning, they toured the House of Parliament before heading to the luncheon at the Hotel Savoy. Presiding over the lunch, with 300 people filling the ballroom, was John L. Griffiths, Counsel General of the United States to Britain, a garrulous, beefy man and noted dinner speaker. (He would die suddenly of a heart attack three months later at age 58.)

Griffiths compared baseball to cricket, noting how each sport suited its country’s temperament. Cricket, he reminded the audience, allows for a recess of tea.

“But imagine such a condition in baseball,” he said, “yet both games build up a people from whose loins spring men of greatness.”

He painted a scene of a batter hitting a ball with the score tied and a full count in the bottom of the last inning.

“While the result is impending,” he gushed, “a man may be pardoned for forgetting his home ties, the names and ages of his children, and even his own name or whether he is married or single.”

Meanwhile, a controversy brewed. McGraw was quoted by a New York newspaper saying American soldiers were superior to their British counterparts because of the athletic discipline in the states and how baseball benefited the mind as well as the body. The Pall Mall Gazette, a London Daily, chastised McGraw as impertinent. Talk of a boycott began to grow around London.

McGraw did not attend the luncheon, blaming his absence on a severe cold contracted from the “damp, foggy weather here.” He denied making any such statements comparing American and British soldiers.

United Kingdom’s King George V attends a baseball game at London’s Stamford Bridge in 1914.United Kingdom’s King George V attends a baseball game at London’s Stamford Bridge in 1914.

King George V (center) was among the 30,000 or so in attendance. / Courtesy James E. Elfers

The controversy blew over, especially after King George announced he would attend the game. According to a wire service report, the announcement had “almost a magical effect in London, which has a touch of baseball fever. It was the chief topic of conversation not only at the American bars of big hotels but even where Englishmen gathered around for their 5 o’clock teacups.” The game sold out in two hours. Stamford Grounds accommodated about 30,000 people for the baseball game.

A royal box was built behind the plate, replete with screening to protect the royals from foul balls. The box was draped in red cretonne and trimmed in palms, lilies, hyacinths and narcissus. It was furnished with Louis de Quinze armchairs upholstered in white flowered silk. Looking back, it was the day the luxury suite was born.

On game day, the players dressed at their hotel and were driven to Chelsea in automobiles bedecked with silk American flags on the hood. They received a police escort.

“Had it not been for this protection,” McGraw wrote, “we would never have been able to reach the grounds on account of the immense crowds.”

King George was driven there by “ordinary limousine,” according to Runyon, the legendary writer whose account included this preface as a nod to the wonder of technology: “Special by cable to New York, and leased by wire, the longest in the world.” The world was getting smaller, and baseball wanted a bigger piece of it.

Wearing a derby, not a crown, the king and his party entered Stamford Grounds at precisely 3 p.m. Noticing his majesty, the spectators rose from their seats and let out a great roar. The king bowed in appreciation at the welcome. The players walked toward the royal box and serenaded the king with three cheers. King George told McGraw and Comiskey, “I am very glad to have you gentlemen here with your baseball teams.” McGraw expressed his appreciation. King George then tossed a baseball to Callahan, who gave it to Klem, who gave it to Jim “Death Valley” Scott, the starting pitcher for the White Sox.

The king’s enjoyment was visible. He cheered wildly when White Sox righthander Red Faber pitched out of a one-out, bases loaded jam. When Joe Benz of the Sox was hit by a pitch, King George laughed when he heard an American fan yell, “That’s right, kill him!” Said the king as Benz took his base, “He certainly deserves something for being hit.”

When a foul ball whizzed past the royal box and broke a window above it, King George scooped up a piece of broken glass as a souvenir. He laughed when he saw how a police officer had to track down foul balls. With Page’s help, he kept score in the game program, using a table set up next to his upholstered chair for that very purpose. He looked mystified when a fan, upon watching Thorpe swing and miss at a pitch, yelled, “There’s a hole in the bat!”

He was most awestruck, McGraw said, “by the grace of the players and by the high flies.” King George also wondered how pitchers could make the ball swoop and arc. Giants lefthander Charles Bunn Hearn, known as “Bunny,” was summoned to show him how pitchers gripped and released the ball, which is how Bunny Hearn forever would tell people he taught the King of England how to throw a curve.

Also in the royal box, the Earl of Chesterfield was so mesmerized by this baseball exhibition that it wasn’t until later he realized someone had stolen an ornate pin from him. It was valued at $2,500, or $78,000 in today’s dollars.

Wrote McGraw, “If the King had been at the Polo Grounds at a game which would decide the world’s series he could not have witnessed a harder played battle than the clash today.”

The game was a corker, even though, according to one observation of the English fans, “Before two innings had been played, many of them confessed themselves mystified. For the remainder of the game they sat as though in a daze.” 

The New York Times, in an account it trumpeted with the preface, “By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph,” noted parts of the game particularly amused the English fans. They could not fathom why the coaches talked so much. (“It wasn’t right to confuse the players,” as one was quoted.) Others didn’t like the idea that foul balls did not count. (“’Twas a shame when the ball goes so far.”) They were puzzled by the spitball tactics of Faber. (“Why does the pitcher kiss the ball all the time?”)

After the eighth inning, just past four o’clock, hundreds of English fans left their seats to grab afternoon tea. They missed a wild finish.

In the last of the 10th with the Giants up, 4–2, and Buck Weaver on second base, Sam Crawford of the Detroit Tigers, added to the Sox for the tour, smoked a game-tying home run. Wrote Runyon of the wild response in the crowd, “That was when those Americans really began to cut loose with some homelike enthusiasm. Even the British seemed to sense the tense excitement of the situation.”

The Giants did not score in the top of the 11th. Then, as if the bombastic Griffiths had presaged the moment, Tom Daly, the 23-year-old White Sox first baseman, ended the game with a walkoff home run into the left field bleachers off Faber. People cheered the players even as they left the grounds. Ambassador Page told the teams that the game was “the greatest event that America has ever shown England.”

The king stayed for all 11 innings, befitting George’s reputation as an unpretentious monarch who changed how royalty connected with commoners. He and his wife, Mary, would visit working blue-collar families and inquire about living conditions. He often visited troops on the front lines during the war. He preferred collecting stamps and game shooting over the opera, once writing, “Went to Covent Garden and saw Fidelio and damned dull it was.”

Baseball caught his fancy. When the players returned to the Savoy, a message from King George awaited them. He told them he enjoyed the game almost as thoroughly as the day on which his father’s horse won the English Derby.

The next morning, the English dailies offered reviews of the American pastime, mostly expressing a preference for cricket over baseball. “Two runs in an hour is too slow for an Englishman, who wants to see a hundred knocked up in cricket in that time,” the New York Times summarized.

One writer compared the exhibition to a “short music-hall turn,” or limited run show: it wins delighted applause but “it becomes mechanical by its very perfection.”

That same morning, the Americans boarded the Lusitania, sailing out of Liverpool. It took them seven days to cross the Atlantic. On their last night on the huge liner, Germany Schaefer belted out German songs and Mike Donlin, a favorite of the bleacher creatures at Stamford Bridge who elicited chants of “Mike! Mike!”, entertained the crowd with songs and stories.

The exhibition did not ignite a baseball craze in England. The realities of war squelched any momentum for a new pastime. The game, however, did begin to take root in England in the 1930s, when Hollywood motion pictures ignited a fascination with all things American. Again, though, war interceded and baseball in England remained little more than a curiosity.

On the morning after the King of England watched 11 innings of baseball from his finely upholstered silk armchair, the London Daily News put the phenomenon into perspective:

“For about two hours a foreign sort of pandemonium whirled in the arena. Wonderful deeds, no doubt, were accomplished when the world-famous White Sox of Chicago and the universally acclaimed Giants of New York met to fight out a game of the American pastime, but it was all Greek to the crowd.

“After yesterday’s showing, baseball still remains and will remain an exclusively, peculiarly transatlantic dish, such as clams, crackers and canvasback.”

One hundred and 10 years later, as the Mets and Phillies serve up another dish of baseball across the pond, the perspective still applies.

Rounding the Bases: MLB Straight Up Picks for Every Game Today (Bet Dodgers as Road Underdogs)

Rounding the Bases: MLB Straight Up Picks for Every Game Today (Bet Dodgers as Road Underdogs)

Saturday's MLB slate is headlined by the battle between the two favorites to win the World Series, the Dodgers against the Yankees in the Bronx.

The World Series preview in June takes center stage as all of Major League Baseball is in action on Saturday. Lucky for you, we have commentary on how to bet every game!

Keep reading to find out how we view each game on the Saturday slate.

Odds courtesy of FanDuel Sportsbook

Pick: Mets (+150)

There’s some variance baked into this game with it being played in London as part of MLB’s London Series. 

With a short center field fence and the wind projected to be blowing out at London Stadium, this can be a short outing for the likes of Ranger Suarez, who is driving most of the opening odds in this game. 

Pick: Twins (-120)

Simeon Woods Richardson continues to thrive for the Twins in his first full season with the club, posting a 3.04 ERA while showcasing excellent control, posting a walk rate of only six percent. The Minnesota starter will match up against Pirates opener Carmen Mlodzinski, who will put a ton of pressure on the Pittsburgh below average bullpen. 

With the pitching edge, including a better pen, I’ll take the Twins as short road favorites. 

Pick: Nationals (+120)

MacKenzie Gore has been outstanding this season, striking out a career best 27.3% of batters with a career low 3.57 ERA. 

The former Padres prized prospect is starting to see perform like it and now draws a Braves team that is struggling without Ronald Acuna Jr, who tore his ACL and is out for the year. Atlanta is hitting only .211 in June. 

Pick: Athletics (+135)

The Blue Jays remain a non starter for me as a road favorite, even against the lowly A’s. 

Kevin Gausman has been overvalued all season, and Toronto is only 6-6 in his 12 starts. The right hander has an ERA of 4.60 while his xERA is far worse at 5.26, per MLBStatcast. He is striking out only 22% of batters, the lowest rate since 2018, and remains a worthy fade. 

Pick: Brewers (-165)

Freddy Peralta has been outstanding this season, striking out nearly a third of the batters he has faced while keeping his walk rate below eight percent, about the big league average. 

It’ll be tough sledding for the Tigers lineup that is bottom third in Major League Baseball in OPS while the Brewers are far better at generating run support for its pitching staff, fourth in the same metric. 

Pick: Royals (+115)

The Royals rallied to win 10-9 on Friday, and the team remains a great bet at home, 23-10 at Kauffman Stadium this season. 

Kansas City will have a stiff test against Luis Castillo, but the Royals ability to generate power is notable considering Castillo has allowed a barrel percentage in the 28th percentile this season, per MLBStatcast, and allows a high fly ball rate of over 60%. 

Pick: Rays (+115)

Both starters have missed time this season, with different results, but I’m betting on it going in a different direction on Saturday. 

Kyle Bradish of the Orioles has made six starts and has been pitching the best baseball of his career. He is striking out 32% of batters, way above his career average, while allowing a hard-hit percentage of only 25%, 99th percentile in the big leagues. 

While it’s a fantastic start for a league average pitcher, regression will come for him soon. 

I’ll try here, on the road against a Rays team that has pop in the lineup and a pitcher who has a high ceiling in Taj Bradley. The hard throwing right hander hasn’t had good results this season, his xERA is hovering around 7.00, but i believe he can outperform expectations given the Orioles have the third fewest walks on the year. 

Pick: Reds (-120)

The Cubs’ skid has continued while the Reds have won six straight, so I’ll side with the hot home team. 

It also helps that Chicago is bottom 10 in OPS against left handers this season as the team faces Reds’ starter Andrew Abbott. 

Pick:Red Sox (-205)

Chicago snapped a 13 game skid on Friday, but I’m not counting on two wins in a row. 

Pick: Rockies (+160)

Can Kyle Gibson justify this price tag? The veteran pitcher has a 3.69 ERA that is supported by a 4.99 xERA with a walk rate hovering around 10%. 

For what it’s worth, Ryan Feltner pitches better on the road than at the hitter friendly Coors Field, so I can get behind him outperforming expectations. 

Pick: Dodgers (+105)

The two best teams in baseball continue its weekend series, and I’ll side with the road underdog given the Yankees’ overall fitness with Juan Soto’s status in doubt for the foreseeable future. 

If New York’s lineup isn’t at its best, it’ll be tough to keep up with the Dodgers, who have the highest OPS against left handed pitching this season. 

Pick: Guardians (-160)

Cleveland is the far more talented side here and should have little issue snagging a road win. 

Ben Lively’s strikeout rate is at a career high of 23% and the Guardians have the clear offensive edge, 11th in OPS against the Marlins, who check in 29th. 

Pick: Diamondbacks (+125)

I’ll take Arizona to stay hot in June, winners of five of six, at an underdog price. 

Ryne Nelson isn’t a strikeout-focused pitcher, only 14.9%, but he has limited his walks to only six percent, which is impactful against a Padres team that is reliant on drawing walks to get runners on base. Nelson’s ERA is also due to come down from his mark of 5.44, with an xERA of 4.77. 

Pick: Astros (-165)

Angels starter Tyler Anderson has been among the best pitchers in baseball, but I expect a tough summer for the veteran left hander. 

He has an ERA of 2.37, which is staggering to see given some of his other numbers, including a 16% strikeout rate and 10% walk rate. Meanwhile, his xERA is 4.49, making him ripe for a few blow ups as the season continues. 

I’ll count on Saturday against a Houston lineup that is top five in OPS against southpaws. 

Game odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.

White Sox's Disastrous Season Perfectly Summed Up by One Embarrassing Error

White Sox’s Disastrous Season Perfectly Summed Up by One Embarrassing Error

The Chicago White Sox are in the midst of a historic slump. And it doesn't appear to be getting better anytime soon.

The White Sox, who have lost a franchise-worst 14 straight games, were tied 1-1 with the Boston Red Sox in the third inning when left-handed pitcher Garrett Crochet made one of the oddest errors of the 2024 MLB season.

After fielding a soft ground ball hit by Jarren Duran that landed short of the mound, Crochet fired an errant throw past first baseman Andrew Vaughn. Vaughn raced after the ball, and Duran wheeled around first and second base and ended up at third.

The White Sox held a long meeting on the mound after the play. Once it concluded, Crotchet stepped off the mound to appeal that Duran didn't touch first base while rounding it on his way to second. But Crochet misfired—again—on his throw to first base, and Duran trotted home for the Red Sox's second run.

"That's what bad teams do," an analyst on the NESN broadcast said.

The White Sox have separated themselves as the worst team in baseball this season. Entering Friday, they had just 15 wins—seven fewer that the lowly Miami Marlins and Colorado Rockies—and rank last in batting average (.216) OPS (.618) and total runs scored (192).

Every MLB Team's World Series Odds Through First Two Months of 2024 Season

Every MLB Team’s World Series Odds Through First Two Months of 2024 Season

We're officially more than two months into the 2024 Major League Baseball season so it's time to take a step back and take a look at the futures markets.

What teams have underperformed? What teams are a surprising contender? Are there any teams we should bet on now or are there a few we should stay away from?

In this article, we're going to take a look at the latest World Series odds for all 32 teams. Let's dive into it. All odds listed in this article are via FanDuel Sportsbook.

The Dodgers, despite underperforming by their standards, are still set as the World Series favorites at +260, which is an implied probability of 27.78%. There's no denying the talent this roster has and they're still playing well enough to have a hefty lead on the NL West.

The New York Yankees have been the best team in baseball through the first two months. Their pitching has been sharp and their offense, specifically the play of Juan Soto and Aaron Judge, has been unbelievable. If I were to pick one team to win it all at this point of the season, I'd pick the Yankees.

The Phillies have the best record in the National League at 44-19. They have a great chance to yet again go on a deep playoff run.

The injury bug has bitten the Braves, most notably Ronald Acuna Jr., who will miss the rest of the 2024 season. There's still plenty of time for them to rally and there's a reason they're still fourth on the odds list to win it all.

The Orioles are still well behind the Yankees in the AL East, but at 39-22, they'll be back in the playoffs once again.

The Seattle Mariners lead the AL West, but their offense needs to wake up if they want to be true World Series contenders in 2024.

The AL Central was supposed to be the worst division in baseball, but as of writing this article, four of the five teams are at .500 or above, including the Minnesota Twins at 33-29.

The Houston Astros don't look like the same contender they once were. Their metrics are still respectable and their offense has woken up in recent weeks. If there's one team that has got off to a slow start that I could see getting hot in the second half of the season, it's the Astros.

The Cleveland Guardians are eye-popping 40-21 as of writing this article. While that's impressive, I wouldn't be surprised if he saw some regression from this team in the second half of the season.

The Milwaukee Brewers lead the NL Central and have had one of the better offenses through the first two months of the season. They are a team to watch in the National League.

It's been a bad start to the season for the defending World Series champions. Their offense has been middling and their bullpen continues to cost them games. They need to find a way to turn the ship around or they're going to fail to make the playoffs.

The Kansas City Royals might be the single most surprising team in the Majors this season at 37-26. Not only has their record been good, but they have the metrics to back it up. Between strong offensive statistics and more than one Cy Young candidate in their rotation, the Royals could be a Cinderella story in 2024.

The Blue Jays may be the most disappointing team in the Majors. Despite looking like a talented squad on paper, their offense has been without teeth and their bullpen has been abysmal. On top of that, their rotation hasn't been nearly as good as it was last year. Time is running out for Toronto.

I feel sorry for Mets fans. It's been a disaster of a season and they're already 16.5 games back from the Phillies in the NL East.

Odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call 1-800-GAMBLER.

Rounding the Bases: MLB Straight Up Picks for Every Game Today (Time to Buy Low on Pablo Lopez?)

Rounding the Bases: MLB Straight Up Picks for Every Game Today (Time to Buy Low on Pablo Lopez?)

Thursday is a travel day for a handful of teams in the big leagues, but we still have baseball starting in the afternoon.

With about a third of the season finished, it's time to look for some buy-low candidates and I have my eye on Twins' starter Pablo Lopez, who is due for a big uptick in production as the calendar flips to June. The matchup is daunting against the surging Yankees, but are the Twins live for an upset?

I have betting break downs for each game on the Thursday MLB card below!

Odds courtesy of FanDuel Sportsbook

The Orioles are the best-hitting team in baseball against left-handed pitching, making this is a tough ask for the Blue Jays, who will start Yusei Kikuchi on Thursday afternoon. 

Yes, Kikuch has lowered his walk rate to a career-low of five percent, but he still allows hard contact at a 43% clip, ranking in the 19th percentile, per MLBStatcast, a ripe matchup for the Orioles loaded lineup. 

After a rain out on Wednesday, we get a Thursday meeting between these two, and I’m looking to fade Royal starter Brady Singer. 

Brady Singer has 2.63 ERA but is due a ton of regression with an xERA of 4.35. 

Against a Guardians lineup that can put the ball in play at an elite level, 11th in OPS, I’ll back the home favorite. 

Bryan Woo has looked the part in five starts this season, posting a 1.30 ERA as he continues to be stretched out. Woo is striking out fewer batters, down to 18% from 25% as a rookie, but is walking only two percent of hitters while limiting posting an elite blend of fastball and off-speed pitches to avoid blowup innings. 

With limited path to base runners, I struggle to see the A’s keeping up on Thursday. 

Los Angeles is the second-best hitting team against lefties this season and draws a favorable matchup against Bailey Falter of the Pirates, who has seen his strikeout rate diminish to 15% this season. 

Falter won’t be able to get around the vaunted bats of Los Angeles, and somebody is due for a big-hitting day against him with his xERA sitting far higher than his actual ERA (3.22 vs. 4.73).

I’ll take a stab at the Nationals as home underdogs on the premise of a summer drop-off from Reynaldo Lopez, the Braves starter. 

Lopez has a 1.73 ERA, but his xERA is far higher at 3.72. He has been crushed by hard contact (42nd percentile) and his offspeed pitches are ineffective (17th percentile in terms of run value), and I believe the Nationals can have success. This is worth a flier on a home underdog. 

Pablo Lopez’s numbers don’t indicate that he’s pitching at a high level, but he may be due for a big jump statistically based on his pitching. He has a 4.84 ERA despite posting a career-best walk rate. He has an xERA of 2.99 despite posting a 73rd percentile xBA, and I believe that he will turn it around soon. 

I’ll fade the red-hot Yankees with a pitcher that is ripe to outperform expectations. 

The Cubs slide in play continues, and this matchup doesn’t set up well for them as the team heads to Cincinnati to face the Reds with emerging arm Hunter Greene on the mound. 

Chicago is 29th in OPS over the last 30 days while the Reds check in eighth. Further, Cubs’ starter Javier Assad may be due for a drop in play after a strong start to the year. He has a 2.27 ERA that is supported by a 3.72 xERA.

Sonny Gray has been on a tear this season. He has a 3.00 ERA while striking out a career-best 33.5% of batters. Even when hitters are putting the ball in play, it's soft contact (66th percentile in hard-hit percentage). 

At home, the Cardinals should have little issue getting past the Rockies. 

Tanner Houck is putting up All-Star numbers for Boston this season, posting a 1.85 ERA, and now faces the worst offense in Major League Baseball in Chicago, with the lowest OPS. 

I’m not backing an upset given the lack of talent for the White Sox. 

This is a fade of Randy Vasquez of the Padres, who has a 5.41 xERA and is walking nearly 10% of batters. This is problematic against the Diamondbacks, a team that is top 10 in walks this season and eighth in on-base percentage. 

Game odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call 1-800-GAMBLER.

American League Rookie Roundup: Reasons for Hope Among Last-Place Teams

American League Rookie Roundup: Reasons for Hope Among Last-Place Teams

Welcome to the Rookie Roundup, a weekly look-in on baseball’s best and most interesting first-year players. Last week, we checked in on under-the-radar rookie pitchers in the National League. This week, we’ll take a peek at American League squads currently floundering in last place in their respective divisions, and which rookies are providing the most hope for better tomorrows.

We’re now two months into the season, and by week’s end every team will have fewer than 100 games remaining on the schedule. That’s certainly more than enough time for fortunes to shift dramatically in the standings. But for a select few particularly dismal clubs, the writing is on the wall: 2024 just might not be their year.

For our basement-dwelling teams in the American League, now’s as good a time as any to start searching for silver linings. Let’s take a look at one rookie on each of the four last-place teams (we have a tie in the AL East) that’s providing reasons for optimism—maybe not for this year, but for the summers ahead, when hopefully the outlook is rosier than it is today.

All stats are updated through Sunday’s games.

Top rookie: Bryan Ramos, 3B

Ramos made his major league debut on May 4, and though he scuffled in his first taste of The Show (and has since been optioned back to the minors), the fact that he reached the big leagues at just 22 years old is reason to be hopeful in what’s been a truly terrible season for the South Siders.

Ramos is an all-around player who projects to be good in most areas but maybe lacks the high ceiling of the game’s blue-chip prospects. He posted an .826 OPS at Double A in 2023 and had six hits in four games since being optioned to Triple A last week. He’ll almost certainly be back with the big-league club at some point this season given that the White Sox are on pace to lose over 120 games.

Top rookie: Rafael Soriano, RHP

Chicago’s historically abysmal start has overshadowed what’s been a miserable season for the Angels. Mike Trout hasn’t played since April 29 and will likely miss at least a couple more months, and the team sits in last place behind an Oakland A’s team that many expected to be among baseball’s worst.

Los Angeles Angels pitcher Jose SorianoLos Angeles Angels pitcher Jose Soriano

Soriano walks off the field after the final out of the first inning against the Seattle Mariners at T-Mobile Park. / Steven Bisig-USA TODAY Sports

Los Angeles has several rookies on the active roster, in no small part because of the organization’s woeful lack of depth necessitating quick promotions. As a result, players like Nolan Schanuel and Kyren Paris have struggled, though Soriano has provided a bright spot in the rotation. After originally signing with the Angels in 2016 at 17 years old, Soriano underwent two Tommy John surgeries during his minor league career before debuting in ‘23. He showed promise as a relief pitcher and has made the move to the rotation this season. Across 10 starts, Soriano has posted a 3.78 ERA with 51 strikeouts. His transition as a starter is beginning to pay off from a durability standpoint, as he’s logged at least six innings in each of his last three outings.

Top rookie: Curtis Mead, 2B/3B

The typically development-savvy Rays have fallen on hard times to begin 2024, posting the fourth-worst run differential (minus-53) in the American League. As such, there aren’t many impact rookies to choose from: outfielder Jonny DeLuca—currently batting .182—is the only rookie hitter on the roster, while Tampa Bay has had only 7 2/3 innings logged by rookie pitchers on the season.

Given that context, we’ll go with Mead as the Rays’ best source of hope. The 23-year-old posted a .900 OPS at Triple A last year to earn his first call-up, hitting a .253/.326/.349 across 24 games—not spectacular, but serviceable enough to earn himself a pair of starts in Tampa Bay’s two playoff games last October. He made the team’s Opening Day roster and struggled to find a groove at the plate, and the Rays optioned him to Triple A on May 6.

Since the demotion, Mead has picked things back up, posting a .262/.340/.459 slash line in 23 games. Given the commendable production from Isaac Paredes, Richie Palacios and Amed Rosario, it might take some attrition for Mead to get another shot at regular playing time. But continued improvement in the minor leagues would be encouraging for a player who seems to have a high ceiling.

Top rookie: Davis Schneider, 2B/OF

Schneider quickly became one of the best feel-good stories of the 2023 season in his brief big-league debut, and he hasn’t slowed down in ‘24.

Selected by the Blue Jays in the 28th round of the 2017 draft, Schneider wowed in a 35-game stint last year, posting a .276/.404/.603 slash line. He’s provided Toronto with strong production this season (134 OPS+) even after his BABIP has regressed from the unsustainable .369 it was in ‘23 to a more stabilized .305 this year. Schneider still strikes out a lot, but his 12.2% walk rate ranks among the league’s highest. The longer he maintains his current production, the more he’ll prove that last season’s breakout wasn’t just a flash in the pan.

Tommy Pham Explains Heated Exchange at Home Plate With William Contreras

Tommy Pham Explains Heated Exchange at Home Plate With William Contreras

Tensions flared between Chicago White Sox outfielder Tommy Pham and Milwaukee Brewers catcher William Contreras during Sunday's matinee after Pham was thrown out at home in the bottom of the eighth inning on a play that wasn't particularly close.

There was a moderate collision between Pham and Contreras at home plate, and the Brewers catcher appeared to bark some superlatives at the veteran outfielder after slapping the tag on him to end the inning.

Whatever Contreras said did not sit well with Pham, who looked back toward Milwaukee's dugout and eventually needed to be restrained by his teammates as he shouted in the direction of Contreras.

Ultimately, not much came of the situation, though Pham didn't hold back when asked about the moment by reporters after the 6–3 defeat.

"One-run ball game, close play at the plate—actually it wasn't even f–ing close... Third base coach sends you, you gotta go. I'm nailed out at home by a mile, I'm going to the dugout and I hear the tough guy with all the 'hoorah' sh–. I'll never start anything but I'll be prepared to finish it.

"There's a reason why I do all kinds of fighting in the offseason. Because I'm prepared to f– somebody up," Pham said.

Pham endured a frustrating day at the plate, going 0-for-3 with three strikeouts and a walk. The White Sox fell to 15–45 following Sunday's loss, the worst record in MLB.

White Sox Announcer Gets Roasted for Laughably Optimistic Statement About Team’s Form

White Sox Announcer Gets Roasted for Laughably Optimistic Statement About Team’s Form

The MLB-worst Chicago White Sox just suffered their ninth-straight loss in Friday’s 12–5 defeat against the Milwaukee Brewers. One Sox broadcaster, however, is keeping his head up.

NBC Sports Chicago play-by-play announcer John Schriffen, who replaced Jason Benetti in January, turned into the butt of jokes on social media when he made an optimistic statement about the team that arguably bordered on a state of denial.

During Friday’s game, Schriffen told booth mate Steve Stone, “It feels like this run the White Sox are on, we’re catching teams at the wrong time.”

A pause was drawn out before Stone replied, chuckling, “Well, there’s that. There’s a few other reasons. But that’s certainly one of them.”

The White Sox fell to 15-43 following their loss to Milwaukee having dropped 13 of their last 14 games. Schriffen seemingly tried to chalk up their abysmal form to scheduling woes, though one could argue that if that’s the case, the White Sox’s entire MLB schedule is doing them in. 

Chicago owns a league-worst -134 run differential and went 6–24 in the months of March and April and 9–19 in May, their worst start in franchise history.

Fans on X (formerly known as Twitter) roasted Schriffen for his fanciful theories.

Cardinals' Sonny Gray Credits Odd Ritual for In-Game Improvement in Win vs. White Sox

Cardinals’ Sonny Gray Credits Odd Ritual for In-Game Improvement in Win vs. White Sox

St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Sonny Gray improved to 4-1 on the season after throwing seven scoreless innings of three-hit ball with six strikeouts in a 3-0 victory over the Chicago White Sox.

The 34-year-old Gray continued his torrid start to the season, improving his ERA to a stunning 0.89 through five starts, establishing himself as an early National League Cy Young candidate as the calendar turns to May.

While Gray put together another sterling start, a high-stress third inning caused him to reevaluate things in the dugout. Gray credited an odd in-game ritual for his turnaround and efficiency on the mound throughout the rest of the game.

"I've done this before," Gray told reporters after the game. "I just came in here after the third and took all my clothes off and got redressed with new cleats, socks, underwear, pants, belt, jersey and hat and said, 'You're a new guy, now start over.' So that's kind of how I reset it."

Nothing like a mid-game wardrobe change to get the mind right!

St. Louis improved to 15-17 on the season and sits in fourth place in the NL Central.

Colorado Rockies Have Now Somehow Trailed in All 31 of Their Games

Colorado Rockies Have Now Somehow Trailed in All 31 of Their Games

The Colorado Rockies jumped on Miami Marlins' Edward Cabrera and scored three first-inning runs Thursday and had a great opportunity to snap one of the more astounding current streaks in sports. A wire-to-wire victory — unremarkable yet still elusive — appeared to be in reach. But as has happened in each of the Rockies' first 31 games this season, they played their way into a deficit. This time it didn't happen until the bottom of the 10th inning when Miami's Jesús Sánchez walked things off with a single to send Colorado to 7-24 on the campaign and keep the unenviable streak alive.

The Rockies are the first team since 1900 to trail in each of their first 31 games. With each game they add on to the record, having blown past the 1910 St. Louis Browns who stumbled out of the gates in their first 28 games. One would have to go all the way back to Sept. 26, 2023 to find the last time they enjoyed a lead in a Major League Baseball game. Which is not ideal.

Expectations were pretty low for the Rockies coming off a 59-103 campaign last season but no one could have expected this. The hitting hasn't been atrocious but the pitching is another story. Colorado currently carries a 5.92 ERA, easily the worst in baseball and much higher than even the Chicago White Sox (5.15).